Even though I've known about this for a while, I figured I'd blog this love from the Boing.
Forbes has a free service that lets you send an email to yourself and have it arrive in 1, 3, 5, 10, or 20 years. I'm going to have my daughter write one to herself. I'll write one to myself, too.
Lots of other blogs jumped on this topic, too. I'll probably write one for my 'lil baby to look at sometime in the future myself.
Course, I can think of lots of other weird applications for this.
1. Impromptu Wills.
2. Suicide Notes.
3. Predictions Of Future Apocalyptic Events.
Am I cynical? Nah!
I smell a movie idea.... whoever smelt it delt it.
20 years? Will we even have email then?
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