Hey, L,
I noticed that you have starteed a Cleanse.
I wish you luck. I know what you mean, feeling nasty emotionally and physically. Really, the last few days, I can't even describe how badly I've been feeling. Probably stress has a lot to do with it. But we're with you, babe. You have friends. And you know how to get a hold of us if you need to.
So hey, hon. Just showin' a little love. Ok? Hang in there. If you do, I will. Promise.
1 Comment:
Thanks kid.
Gave up the cleanse tonight when I had three spoonfulls of chicken noodle soup and a bit of french bread. Sick as a dog, I am.
Although, I did notice on my way home from work today, that I feel better. Emotionally, I mean. I wasn't depressed, or stressed, and it was pretty cool.
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