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    Tuesday, September 20, 2005


    Sigh.  Well, last night was certainly not one of greatest sleeping nights ever.  Why?  Regrets.  So, time to make a list.  These are the biggies:
    My greatest regrets?
    1.  Ever starting smoking.  Good Lord, what a mistake.  I hope that I can quit before I have a heart attack.
    2.  Not attending Cornell University when I had the chance.
    3.  Law school.  30k completely and totally wasted.
    Interestingly, I don't regret the way that the whole ex thing turned out.  She taught me a lot, actually.  I would have preferred that it worked, but some things are not to be, I suppose.  Being the parent of a half-time child is quite easily one of the most difficult things that I've ever done.  I caught myself calling the ex this morning to tell her that the baby got me up at like 5 in the morning this morning, and almost immediately I wished that I hadn't called.  But I was tired and grumpy and wanted to complain to someone.  She seemed available.
    I suppose the thing to say here is this:  try your best to live your life with as few regrets as possible, because one day, week, month, or year, you won't be able to sleep, and regrets will be the reason.

    1 Comment:

    L said...

    Wow - blog spam to a pretty intense post. Sorry.

    You could always call me - I have a good ear, and have been through a much more gruesome version of what you are dealing with. I'm up at all hours - lots of regrets for me too, I suppose.

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